30 December, 2014

Well no i am fucking pissed, I was Going to write 5 some what complex sentences, now i am in ranting mode. All because this video:


I came about this, now i am repulsed by the lies and weasel terms used in a one person brigade to push Vegan ism, which causes a lot of deceases to the person who turns that way. He claims he knows better just be cause he is Jew and oppressed, Be that as it may, this person is trying to sell a cult, a religion that is unnatural for a human being.  Also stating that animals have choices when they have been dying since the begging of time way before human beings, by a process called Darwinism or the survival of the fittest. People also do not choose to die and they do, it is the way of life, The only thing the species is doing is making sure little goes to waste. 

Again Weasel words, if you are not a vegan, you are not logic, you are not sane.

Using an argument against him he dismiss it by the capability of manufacture something that looks and feel like leather but isn't, and just wipes aside the comment as if it means nothing

Also using crude images in the background to convince just by impact.

The damage has been done lets keep it. So leather is fine as long as the animal is already death, no matter if it suffers, contradicting his previous statement.

Trying to define words to his own advantage. 

This can not be defined as a holocaust, by definition it has to be by fire, which will neglect the use of the animal after death. Also, Holocaust by popular definition has a link with one specific event in human history, trying to change that is a la par with holocaust denial, or downplaying.

Again it is not a holocaust, there is no fire, and human Holocaust is still consider the grimmest part of the human history by many. I do not care if he is Jewish, he is doing a disservice in my view to all the people who died in Nazi Germany.

Also trying to define the holocaust to his advantage again. 

If you remove cows and chickens and insert Jews or any human being, you are not recreating Auschwitz, you are creating a Soylent Green Factory.  

This point i agree, you torture, dismantle and kill. This industry is one of the most gruesome industry there are, but when we evolved from nomadic to sedentary it was because grains and granary which was an improvement cause it increase the Lifespan mainly because people did not have to die hunting that much.

On the other had if you changed Jews to Chicken or cows way back when, it will not be a massacre. It will be consider a Waste of resources. Because they would be burned to ashes. 

Maybe i'm being picky but i found no resources saying that the Holocaust Learnt it's techniques from the food industry. And find the notion preposterous and laughable.

75% of animals being herbivores depends on sources. I have found variations from 25% to 75% and no clear determination. Lets say 75% is herbivore, it does not matter, persons are not in that percent. 

Now the thing that made me cringe the most, is that he picks and chooses what part of the argument to argue. When using the food chain, people being on top, He says that on the example the reporter gave, we do not eat meat just because the lion eats meat. We eat meat because it is in our history. human started nomads because they needed to catch prey not catch plants. 

Also ridiculous ad absurdum, saying if you eat meat you kill babies and should be put to jail.

Stating that a two year old human would eat an apple and play with a rabbit. Humans at that age are not self sustainable. Lions might be but they live 25 to 29 years which is a fraction of human life span. 

Stating that we have no carnivore instincts ignoring that we have been doing it since we evoled. 

Also choosing one quality of the race to determine what type of food they eat, when the clearest indicator is WHAT FOOD THEY EAT!

Also if you sweat through pores, is a dumb generalization, correlation does not imply causation. Also Humans are omnivores, except for a group which CHOOSES not to eat meat.

Equating Veganism to the inequality of men and women, if you are not Vegan you are a sexist pig. 

Equating Veganism to the inequality of white and black people, if you are not Vegan you are racist

Putting you in the place of the animal which have natural instinct to mate, then calling it rape, if you are not Vegan you are going to get raped.

Equating Veganism to the Holocaust, if you are not Vegan you are racist and insensitive. 

Where do we get off being special. We are a different specie which has evolved to survive, communicate, to survive, we get of on being the only one who has done it so far. 

If we remove humans, everything else is benefited. I agree with his, planet is going to the die because of us, but if human did not exist, nobody will notice that the planet is going to die, so catch 22 if i see one. Also, Stating that if humans disappear everything is better, but if another species disappear, the system collapses. Proved wrong with dodos. Or is it only ants and bees? So either he is saying that some animals are needed more than others? We do not believe we are better than them. We are different. Also, Nature has a way of fixing stuff. If something is missing, with strange eons, something will replace it.

If you are not vegan you are a nazi rapist child molester killer, and vegans are better and more ethical than you.

Also noboy can be more moral or less moral than anyone. Morality is an abstrac concept that is an absolutive. That is to say, there is not a scale of moral on which nazi rapist child molester killers are the worst and vegan are the best, find this graph. what is in the middle, cheaters are worse than killers, robbers than robbers, because of what and why they stole?

There are not vegan rapist in the world. This can be atrributed to two factors, the population is to small to find a rapist, but still i found a murderer: http://www.vegetariansareevil.com/history.html, and let's say that the population of vegans increases accoring to the limit break theorem eventualy in teh population there will be an outlier. So let's fix that sentece: There are not vegan rapist in the world YET that we know of. 

Next Sentence, Vegans do not get sick, and yet studys proove the contrary http://naturalhygienesociety.org/diet3.html and http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/dxrates

Denying that Hitler was a vegetarian since it goes against the point  that vegetarians / vegans are not  nazi rapist child molester killer. 

If Hitler had so much power why didn't he imposed a vegan diet to germany. 

All this Vegan Hitler is speculation and might remain that way.

I am growing tired of this guy

Nazi's had slaughter houses, Well they had to eat, and on winter there where no other ways in the snow. 

They call me a terrorist, but i am a compasionate human being, mimicing the point that he has media to change this Just like Hitler.